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How to date a Circle


Relationship Hack

Give the Circle lots of verbal validation and lots of physical affection. They are touchers and huggers and they need lots of human contact to feel safe in the world.

What makes them tick...

They value:

•Connection with people


•Time outdoors

•Adventure and new experiences

•Fresh Air

•Variety – it’s the spice of life

•Play and fun

•Talking to others all the time


•Friendliness and happiness

•Verbal validation and reassurance

What to do...

•Spend lots of time asking questions and listening to their ideas and feelings


•Circles are very sensual and sexual beings and they thrive with lots of affection.


•Play, plan adventures and be excited about getting outside and doing things. They will not be happy long with a couch potato.


•Understand their need for variety. This can include changing their mind all the time. Get used to that.  Life is too boring for them if it stays the same too long. They are wired like this and you will not change it.


•Be patient with their need to talk for a long time to people everywhere they go. This is another trait they will always have, and you need to just appreciate their friendliness.


•Take a Circle out for adventure, sports, activities, and action. They prefer dates that are active.


Accept them as they are.

What not to do...

•Don’t make them feel second place. They want to be the number 1 most important things in your world.


•Don’t be critical or judgmental. If you are critical and judgmental of other people, things, ideas, systems, or anything, it will turn a Circle off.


•Circles are very open, optimistic, easy-going, compassionate, and able to see things from many different perspectives. They struggle with highly opinionated or judgmental partners.


•Don’t insist on being right all the time, Circles are open to learning and are very teachable, but if you have ego and always insist on seeing your way as right, this will turn them off.


•Don’t be bothered if they message and call you constantly. They need connection to feel safe in the world. This means they need more attention than many other shapes and you giving them this, will make them adore you.


•Don’t have super long fights or conversations. Circles are long communicators if everything is positive but they hate conflict and can only handle it in short doses. If you have long drawn out emotional, or upsetting conversations, this will drain them badly.


•Don’t take them for granted. Make sure you notice everything they do for you. They tend to over-give and then feel bad they aren’t appreciated. Shower them in thanks and love.


•Don’t make them feel isolated, alone, unwanted, not good enough or abandoned. These are their greatest fears.  Think about how you can make your Circle feel wanted and included today… do that every day.


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