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Welcome to the Exclusive 12 Shapes Community

Master Relationship Coach

Coach Kimberly Giles

An International Human Behavior Expert
Professional Speaker & Corporate Trainer
People Skills and Team Building
Coach Kim's articles, books, podcasts, and programs have already reached over 4 million people worldwide. She is a sought after executive coach, author and speaker.  
She has had over 550 articles published in newspapers and magazines reaching people all over the world. She has appeared on many local and national TV and radio programs (over 200 appearances) including
Good Morning America, who named her one of the top 10 Advice Gurus in the Country. Her advice is also featured on
Her unique way of making psychology, mental, emotional, and social health simple and easy, are helping people around the world eliminate suffering and gain clarity (the ability to see people and situations accurately).
She has invented new systems to understand your thinking and eliminate the fear that causes your negative thoughts and bad behavior.
"If you are struggling, suffering or having a hard time with the negative noise in your head or with strained relationships we have simple solutions that really work.  If you aren't happy with your life at home or work, if you aren't happy with yourself, or if you have too much stress and not enough confidence - we can help!
I've been working with executives for 14 years to clean up their mental, emotional and social skills, and they all say the 12 Shapes Relationship System and Programs are the best thing they ever did. You can change and improve the results you are getting at home and work. We can do it together."

“I didn’t know what i needed when I found Kim online,  I thought I was doing very well as a business owner, feeling that life was great but something was missing, I wanted to get to another level of something? 

So I thought i would look for a life coach when Kim introduced what her program was I couldn’t believe what I was hearing it seemed that she was telling me everything I needed help in that I didn’t know that I needed. 

Now that I have gone through her program I can’t express the gratitude for this remarkable woman and this program that she has put together. 12 Sessons of incredible life changing lessons that I couldn’t wait to get through. 

She has taught me how to trust God and the universe, to see myself and others that we are all the same that trust and love can and does replace fear and loss. Life is so different today than before I started this course I was arrogant, loud, I knew everything, I had an opinion of everything, I’m the guy who cut you off in traffic, I didn’t have any friends. 

After taking her course I learned that I was ok and I needed to learn how to trust people, how to communicate with others, she really taught me how to grow up at 60. 

I am confident in myself like never before, I have clarity of who I am and how to communicate with others I listen to them and put my stuff on the shelf and I ask permission before I speak, I am more quiet and my driving is relaxing and no more cutting people off. I have so much peace in my life now, more than I ever had in my life Thank You Kim, I owe you a debt of gratitude.”



"The impact Kim Giles has made in my life is incalculable. Through her program I discovered the deep rooted fear that dominated every. aspect. of. my. life. Kim’s guidance has given me the ability to live a life motivated by love rather than fear. It’s a gift I can never repay."   

- Judi Bell


"This program will change your life! With the help of Kim, I was able to unravel deep seeded beliefs that were destroying important relationships in my life and deteriorating my self confidence. This program is designed to teach, motivate and inspire change from within. Kim is a master coach that asks perceptive questions and encourages personal growth. The journey this program will take you on is priceless!"

-Shanna Swayne​


"Kim has changed my life!  What used to be my automatic response to my son and how he acts is now tempered with T&L - Trust and Love.  As soon as I start to flare up in reaction to something, I now take a deep breath, understand that my response needs to change, and it has already produced 200% improvement in my relationship to him.  It's like HE was the one who received the best 15th birthday present from his Dad!"

-Benoy Tamang


"This program has been phenomenal.  It has been a life changer for me.   I have appreciated the insight from Kim and expertise she has shared with me through this journey."

- Heather Conley


"Kim’s coaching program is life-changing. I now operate out of love and trust in instances where I previously operated out of fear. My relationships with my various family members are drastically improved. I have finally executed the financial, nutritional, and exercise systems that I had procrastinated implementing in my life. No more excuses…I life of purpose and integrity awaits those willing to work this coaching program."

-Sean Barnett


" I wanted to thank you for all of the help that you were able to give me.  I have recorded "My Keys" as I refer to it, and listen to it as a refresher.  I feel like I have a fresh outlook with so many parts in my life. I am proud to say that I have made a lot of improvement at home. I know I still have a lot to improve on, but I am happy with how far I have come. Work is going well and life with my family is improving.
Thanks again for everything! I am truly grateful that I was led to your program."
-Roger Y​


'This really has been an adventure the past 6 months. I appreciate all that you have taught me through your session materials and our discussions, you really did put your stuff aside and listen to me each time we met. I still have a ways to go, but WOW!  What a difference for me. I do look at this as a new beginning in life for me. I see life much clearer and with better understanding of myself, my purpose in it and how to better interact with those around me.

Thank you so much! (What an understatement!)"

-Tim M.


"Everyone faces fear, particularly in today’s world.  Kim’s universally true principles of human worth and courage empower each of us to gain safe ground despite the perils we may face.  Those principles, combined with her powerful tools to utilize them in daily living, create a one-two punch that, with practice, can lift any person, man or woman, from fear to safety. I cannot recommend these principles and tools highly enough. They incorporate the best of humanity and take those who are willing to make the journey into a place where faith, courage and hope take center stage over their opposite and crippling counterfeits, despair, fear and hopelessness.

Please take a chance to change yourself, read her book…and then go and change the world!"

- Mark Richards, Business Owner

"Thanks to Kim, I am now a more positive person than I ever was before. Kim is warm, compassionate, funny and non-judgmental. She truly exemplifies her advice by always coming from a place of love with whatever questions and comments she feels are necessary for her client's growth. She deeply cares about her clients, who become friends for life."  -C. Merz

"Kim is simply incredible! She has been through more trials and tribulations than most people I know, and her life experiences have given her amazing insights into her clients needs. She changed my life and I will be forever grateful." -J. Tingey


"You got the right coach in Kim. Her experiences and her genuine caring for others make her the right choice. She cares about you as a person and honors what is right for you. I highly recommend her."  -Sandy C.


"After years of searching for the right kind of direction, only Kim and her program have opened my eyes to the real me. I could never have imagined how much of an amazingly valued individual that I am without Coach Kim. No therapist, religious leader, or book has given me the insight that I've received from this program." -M. Hollingshead

"Working with Kim made an amazing difference in my life.  I knew there were things that weren't working in my life, but I wasn't ale to understand why.  Kim had the tools to help me be able to actually see the things I needed to change.  There were times I could see what needed to be done differently, but I wasn't willing to give up some old patterns or habits, and she was right there, helping me see the “games” I was playing.  I am grateful to have met her, and to have had the opportunity to work with her!"  -Brittney Gonder
"I attended a meeting tonight and heard you speak!  I just wanted to THANK YOU and tell you that you made a big difference in my life.  I have continued thinking about the things you taught all night and I am confident it will be a life changer for me. Thank you so much for giving of your time and  gifts to us. You are teaching true principles and it felt so good! You are truly a beautiful person and radiate the love that you teach about!  Thank you again.   May God bless you and your family forever!" - J. Hansen
Coach Kim has and is changing the way I go about living. These principles are making my life so much better, they are filled with wonderful challenges and understanding, even for a 69 year old woman, you can teach an old dog new tricks The Universal truths that Kim has captured and teaches in a step by step format, are a profound and joyous way to see life, filled with awe and freedom from fear, pain and anguish. I can now feel my value, and that what we call bad behavior is a cry for real acceptance.  My great thanks and gratitude for and to Kimberly Giles.  
–Dawne Hole

Kimberly Giles


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